Mixed emotions, anxiousness and excitement combined in the same easy swallow gel cap that I threw into my mouth and washed down with a cup of tepid water over a year ago. This is how it always begins as I move towards the goal of the next exhibit. In this case, November 1, 2009, my still untitled solo exhibition at Columbus State Community College. Some anxiousness because I'm returning to the "box art" process for this exhibition and producing approximately 25 new pieces. As always, there seems to be a million things to do(mostly unrelated to the show) and the clock is ticking.
Tonight our son is starting in his high school's varsity football game for the first time and has shared over the past few days his nervousness. As my husband pointed this out to me yesterday, I turned and shared my Mother Wisdom(as I'm always more than eager to do)with him. "I would think something was wrong if #3 child(when did I first begin calling our children by numbers?)wasn't nervous. Why if he weren't I'd think that he was too cocky and that state of mind can set you up for a hard fall. Besides, he'll be just fine whether he performs well or not on the field." Somewhere in that conversation must have been talking to myself!
So it's the mixed bag of emotions gel cap that I swallow each time a date is placed on my calendar for the next exhibit. Emotions that keep me grounded and serve as a reminder that I'm not in total control of this artist journey...it comes from a place deep within, so relax and let it flow.
The top left photo shows boxes on my studio shelf awaiting use while the top right are boxes so generously donated by the Norwood family...thanks guys! Bottom photo shows my dog expressing mixed emotions over the huge bag of boxes being brought into the house...guess I didn't check in with her first.
Each week I'll be sharing some of the process of making a "box art" collage.