Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Never Too Old to Learn

Yep, you're never too old too learn! Such is the case with my students today and the things that I learned from them. After reading "The Chicken Chasing Queen of Lamar County" by Janice N. Harrington(and beautifully illustrated by Shelley Jackson) to my young artists we talked about the different parts of the chicken for a few minutes and the things they remembered from the story. Next I explained that we would be creating our own chickens with various shapes of foamie material, construction paper, glue and sharpies.

Below are some photos of their work and what I learned today.

When asked if they had ever visited a farm, this young artist said, "Yes, today...and I got a pumpkin". Well today is February 27th...maybe it was a winter squash?

Chickens have "garbles" like turkeys

No matter the age a good story always seems to engage children.

Chickens have tattoos...the marks across the body.

That beautiful design in the lower left section of the picture is...POOP!

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